--- On Wed, 10/22/08, Medscape Ophthalmology <Medscape_Ophth@mp.medscape.com> wrote:
From: Medscape Ophthalmology <Medscape_Ophth@mp.medscape.com> Subject: Which Quality-of-Life Score Is Best for Glaucoma Patients? To: eyecaremaster@yahoo.com Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 8:35 AM
 Prevalence of Dry Eye Syndrome and Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Which Quality of Life Score is Best for Glaucoma Patients and Why? Feature Articles Which Quality of Life Score is Best for Glaucoma Patients and Why? Instruments to quantify the impact of glaucoma may not be comprehensive enough. Authors review and critique eleven QOL scales used in glaucoma populations. BMC Ophthalmol 2008 Rotational Stability of the AcrySof SA60TT Toric Intraocular Lenses: A Cohort Study Rotational stability in the capsular bag was evaluated one week after cataract surgery. Investigators share promising results. BMC Ophthalmol 2008 Prevalence of Dry Eye Syndrome and Diabetic Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Do diabetes and dry eye syndrome share a common etiology? Study results describe prevalence and suggest routine assessment. BMC Ophthalmol 2008 The Presidential Candidates' Health Reform Plans: Choices for the Nation Karen Davis, PhD, President of The Commonwealth Fund in New York, discusses the fundamental differences between Obama and McCain plans. Medscape J Med 10(10) 2008 A Call to Arms (and Noses): Influenza Vaccination of Healthcare Workers Do data suggest that vaccination of healthcare workers prevents infection in their patients? Lisa Maragakis, MD, MPH, discusses recent evidence in her video blog. Medscape Infectious Diseases 2008 Instant Poll Obstacles to Hypertension Control The hypertension control rate in the United States improved from 26.1% to 35.1% between 1988-1994 and 1999-2004, according to a recent report published online in Hypertension. What do you think is the principal obstacle to attaining the Healthy People 2010 goal of a 50% hypertension control rate? To vote or view results of the poll, click on the title above. News CME Thyroid Disorders May Increase Risk for Glaucoma In a large, population-based, cross-sectional study, the risk for glaucoma was associated with thyroid problems. Medscape Medical News 2008 CME Low Antioxidant Levels, Blue-Light Sun Exposure May Be Linked With Age-Related Macular Degeneration A study shows that the combination of low plasma levels of antioxidants and blue light exposure from the sun is associated with certain forms of age-related macular degeneration. Medscape Medical News 2008 CME FDA Approvals: Akten The FDA has approved lidocaine HCl 3.5% ophthalmic gel (Akten). Medscape Medical News 2008 CMS Introduces Incentives for Electronic Prescribing In 2009, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will award incentive payments to successful adopters of e-prescribing systems; CMS held a conference this week to explain how the program will work and address physicians' questions and concerns. Medscape Medical News 2008 User Support Subscribe to this newsletter. Unsubscribe from this newsletter. Unsubscribe from all Medscape mailing lists. Not yet a Medscape member? Forgot your login info? Add MedPulse to your address book. Need additional support?
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هناك تعليق واحد:
محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
كان محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم دائم البشر ، سهل الخلق ، لين الجانب ، ليس بفظ ولا غليظ ولا فحاش ولا عياب ولا مداح . كان يمشي هونا ، خافض الطرف نظره إلى الأرض أطول من نظره إلى السماء ، جل نظره الملاحظة . يسوق أصحابه ويبدأ من لقيه بالسلام . وكان صلى الله عليه وسلم متواصل الأحزان ، دائم الفكرة ليست له راحة ولا يتكلم في غير حاجة ، طويل السكوت كان لا يغضب لنفسه ولا ينتصر لها ، جل ضحكه التبسم . وكان صلى الله عليه وسلم لا يذم أحدا ولا يعيره ولا يطلب عورته ويصبر للغريب على الجفوة في المنطق ، ولا يقطع على أحد حديثه حتى يتجوزه
Muhammad ( peace be upon him )
The prophet of God , peace be upon him , was unfailingly cheerful , easygoing by nature , and mild mannered . He was neither crude nor obstinate . He was not a clamorous loudmouth nor a repeater of obscenities. He was not one to find faults in others , nor did he overly praise people . He would step surely and unhurriedly and not proudly . He walked gently and with dignity . He would lower his gaze and look down more often than up . He would lead his companions by walking behind them out of modesty and would always be the first to greet them. He was continually full of concern , constantly deep in thoughts . He had no rest and would not speak without a reason . He would be silent for long periods of time and would never get angry for his own sake , nor would he ever seek to win such an argument . He was gentle by nature and not coarse , and he was not contemptuous of anyone. Most of his laughing was as smiling . He wouldn’t interrupt another’s speech unless it got excessive or too long . Everything he did was in moderation , without excess or contrariness.
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