الاثنين، سبتمبر ٢٢، ٢٠٠٨

Cataract extraction after retinal detachment repair by vitrectomy : visual outcome and complications

Cataract extraction after retinal detachment repair by vitrectomy : visual outcome and complications

C J Cole1 and D G Charteris1 1Vitreoretinal Research Unit, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK Correspondence: CJ Cole, Vitreoretinal Research Unit, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, EC1V 2PD, UK. Tel: +020 7566 2251; Fax: +020 7566 2842; E-mail: dillycole@ Received 24 March 2008; Revised 17 July 2008; Accepted 17 July 2008; Published online 5 September 2008.
Top of page Abstract Aims To determine the intraoperative and postoperative complications and visual outcome of eyes undergoing cataract extraction after previous retinal detachment repair by pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). Methods Retrospective analysis of 72 patients who had cataract extraction by phacoemulsification having had retinal detachment repair by vitrectomy and internal tamponade. Results Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) had improved in 53 (74%) of eyes at 3 weeks after cataract surgery and 65 (90%) at final follow-up. Fifty-three eyes (74%) attained 6/12 visual acuity at final follow-up compared with 19 (26%) eyes with a preoperative vision better than 6/12. There was a significant improvement in BCVA after cataract extraction (P<0.001). Poor vision was usually related to retinal comorbidity. Intraoperative events occurred in nine eyes (12.5%) including capsulorrhexis tears, zonular dehiscence and vitreous loss. Postoperative events occurred in 15 eyes (20.8%). Retinal re-detachment occurred in four eyes (5.6%). Conclusions Cataract extraction after retinal detachment surgery by vitrectomy generally results in a significant visual improvement, however, there is an increased intraoperative and postoperative complication rate. The risk of retinal re-detachment may previously have been underestimated.

الجمعة، سبتمبر ٠٥، ٢٠٠٨

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